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Contact and book! Phone +358 6 315 5771 //


Taxis for disabled in Vaasa

Transport and escort services are provided for people with severe disabilities who, because of their disability or illness, cannot use public transport (bus and service bus) without undue difficulty. The service is organized under the Disability Act either as taxi fares or taxi journeys for the handicapped. The user of the transport services receives a personal card that acts as a means of payment in the taxi. The drawdown is the same as the lump sum for bus, currently €3.20/trip.

The severely disabled person has a subjective right to at least 18 journeys per month.

We focus on good, versatile and secure customer service. We also help outside of the taxi - to pick up and take home is an integral part of our business.

More information about transport services for the severely disabled.


Koulukatu 63
65100 Vaasa

Phone: +358 6 315 5771

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